ok just got off the phone with a tech from d and d exhaust. no tuner needed for a 2010 with a stage one. if you do engine mods then you will need a tuner. the afr stayed the same when they dynoed the bike with an air cleaner and exhaust. now the only reason one would use a tuner is too richen it up a bit in order to run a bit cooler, the performance will stay the same with no increase in power from the tuner.. i am convinced. later i may buy a tuner and get dynoed, for now the exhaust is on its way...gonna install and run it like i stole it...
just installed the d and d boss 2 into 1
dyno with stock exhaust, heavy breather, no tuner 79.49hp, 94lbs torque
updates, stage one complete, added the super tuner, had the harley shop tune the bike,,, very happy, now i have my eyes set on an engine kit, maybe next year,,,,,,,need more power