If the us is the same as the uk then the salesman is on commission for selling the finance as well as the bike and the longer the finance deal the higher the commission remember the salesman has a hobby to finance also so he is looking after his own needs not the customers
I always save and buy with cash
:s It's to bad that poeple think bad about saleperson, I sell trucks, I aways think of the customer needs first. But like everybody easel i don't what to work for fee. when i was looking for my last bike, i check a few HD shops. I notice the bigger HD shop ran them like a car lot, Used one on top of that.(gold round thier necks)
they were there to get every penny they could out of you, SO stay away form the big shops. I found the small shop to be down to eath put a few dollars in the deal, so they could keep the doors open. The saleperson That help me looked out for my pocket,