hey Smitty, are you picking on me again?? :newsmile100: (just cleaning and modding.....this past summer it seemed like I cleaned more than rode and now I'm modding more than I'll ride next season!)
But to your more important point:
I would never presume to tell anyone how to handle their personal finances, but there's not a time I'm at my local dealer that I don't overhear a salesman talking to a prospective new bike customer about 72 month financing.
Are you KIDDING??
At the risk of seeming critical, I would take the position that if a buyer needs SIX YEARS of financing at the insane MoCo interest rates, then brother, they need to be saving more before buying, or looking at all the fantastic deals on USED bikes!
I just can't imagine any justification for financing ANY vehicle longer than it will have any real value.
This applies even more to cars than our Harleys. By the time you pay off a 6 year loan (and some offer even longer!), what is that car worth? NOTHING!
As Smitty has often said, save your money and pay cash, or at least, for many of us, more realistically, save enough to put a very healthy down payment on that loan!