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What Brand Bike Did You Ride Prior to HD?

1st 72 honda 350 twin in a hardtail frame.
2nd 69 triumph bonny
3rd 74 honda 400f super sport
4th 81 susuki LT650
5th 81 honda 1100 gl interstate
6th 07 yamaha star 1300
None compare to the Ultra although I wouldnt mined haveing a couple back.
1st. 1965 m50 or m60 HD, I won it when I was 11.
2nd. 1974 Norton 850 Roadster bought new when I returned from the Army.
3rd 1975 Triumph Trident. Honeymoon bike, traded it in on #4.
4th 1977 FX Supergilde. It was stolen.
5th 1990 FLHS. sold
6th 1994 flhc with HD sidecar
1978 FXE first year front dual disc brakes
1973 FLH
1976 250 tt hd.
7th or so 2007 softail standard
8th 2008 FLHRC with sidecar, because we are old now and my wife is in a wheelchair.
9th 2008 FLSTSB crossbones.

I believe the above to be correct
My dad rode a Harley - 1976 Electra Glide. He still rides that bike too! So, I always dreamed of riding a harley. When I turned 16 he bought me a 1970 something Kawasaki 185 Enduro. I rode that bike all over our rural Michigan town. I didn't realize my dream of a Harley until my husband bought me one at the ripe age of 43. Bless his heart!:bigsmiley9:
It wasn't THIS bike, but one exactly like it!!

I have had a LOT of bikes since then, but ya know what guys? I still remember the EXCITEMENT of riding that bike like it was yesterday, and not many motorcycles after that equaled the THRILL of that "first bike"!

Only had one bike growing up, my Dad surprised me with a honda XR200 dirt bike when I was 13. He used to take me and my little bro riding through the wilderness around the edges of the county: deserts, mountains, wherever. We eventually had to sell the bikes when I was about 17 or so.

Bout a year ago, my little bro went out and bought himself an XR200 just like the one I used to ride. I had a chance to ride it for a bit when I visited home at Christmas time a year ago. Within minutes, I had the fever all over again, felt just as thrilling as the first time I got in the saddle. I knew right then that I would go out and buy myself a bike when I got back to GA, and what better place to start looking than your local Harley dealership????? :D