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Do you wear a helmet?

I take your point NHD74F. One of the things which has struck me as being so different between our two countries is reading about the BIG problem of deer running out onto roads and colliding or being hit by bikes. I've seen the odd aggressive hedgehog or rabbit in a hurry here in the Green and Pleasant Land and - sure - if you were unlucky enough to hit anything of substance it can cause a wobble or worse but a whole deer is a different order of magnitude of inconvenience and danger!:x It's interesting to read your comment about motorbikes hitting stationary objects or running off road - I wonder if sleep, hooch or worse might sometimes be involved if there's no physical evidence of anything else?? I'm not familiar with the appropriately named Hurt Report and I'm just shooting off based on my own experiences as part of a trauma team.
Mind you - cage crashes, booze brawls and lover's tiffs made up far more of my working night than riders' accidents......

Yes, flip-front full-face helmets weigh more than non-flip full-face helmets. There is even a difference between the weights of the various flip-ups. My Schuberth weighs much more than my HJC. I do end up with a sore neck at times.

I like my flip-ups not only because they allow me to put my glasses on easier, but they also have the retractable interior sun visors. This eliminates the need to switch between regular glasses and sun glasses. However, if I could find a nice light full-face with good ventilation, I would probably switch to that even if it meant losing the interior sun visor.
... I'm not familiar with the appropriately named Hurt Report and I'm just shooting off based on my own experiences as part of a trauma team.
Mind you - cage crashes, booze brawls and lover's tiffs made up far more of my working night than riders' accidents......

The Hurt Report Summary link is listed below...most of us old timers in the States remember this study that was initiated in 1971 and completed 10 years later...basically started the push for helmet laws and rider safety programs in this country when ridership/sales was basically skyrocketing, gas crisis occured, Honda's new 750 multi-cylinder marvel was catching steam and MOCO was going thru a rough patch...all converging with motorcycle accidents rising at unprecedented levels. Surprisingly, accidents and ridership were going in opposite directions until 2 years ago when both crossed over...accidents are exceeding 1990's levels, ridership is down and age band for accidents and fatailities which was highest for 20-29 group is now eclipsed by rising older group 40-60's...which is an eye opener since "mature" riders should "KNOW SELF PRESERVATION" methods which goes hand in hand with experience.

VFR Safety Info
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The Hurt Report Summary link is listed below...most of us old timers in the States remember this study that was initiated in 1971 and completed 10 years later...basically started the push for helmet laws and rider safety programs in this country when ridership/sales was basically skyrocketing, gas crisis, Honda's new 750 multi-cylinder marvel and MOCO going thru a rough patch...all converging with motorcycle accidents rising at unprecedented levels.

VFR Safety Info

Thank you - some interesting bedtime reading for me. :D
I wear a full face modular helmet. My buddies rag me out about it not looking cool since I ride an 883 iron and all. they say "you need a half helmet or one of those german nazi style helmets"...I just tell em I am 34 and still good looking and a 50+ mph curb kiss will change all that so I protect my face.
Interesting thread. I've been riding for almost 50 years now and the only time I wear a helmet is if I'm going to a helmet law state or it's very cold out.

I came across some interesting statistics Family Caregiver Alliance website

Motor vehicle accidents account for an estimated 28% of traumatic brain injuries; sports/physical activity account for 20%; assaults are responsible for 9%; 43% are due to "other" reasons. However, when considering those brain injuries severe enough to require hospitalization, virtually half (49%) are caused by motor vehicle accidents.

Alcohol was involved in 41% of all fatal crashes and 7% of all crashes in 1996. More than 321,000 persons were injured in accidents where alcohol was present—an average of one person injured every 2 minutes.

While brain injuries due to car accidents have declined an impressive 25% between 1984 to 1992, brain injuries resulting from firearms have risen 13% during the same period.

About 5% to 10% of skiing accidents result in head injuries.

I find it interesting that 1/2 of the injuries are caused in "motor vehicle accidents" which includes all motor vehicles, not just motorcycles. This also means that 1/2 are caused while not in a motor vehicle.

Given this information I find it odd that those who always wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle don't feel the need to wear one all the time since fully half of the injuries severe enough to require hospitalization occur when NOT in a motor vehicle. Not trying to change anyone's mind about helmets, just saying.
Don't say that too loud,they will mandate that we wear a helmet when walking the dog:(
Came back from a dinner ride last night. Rode up with about 25 bikes and we all seperated after dinner.

One of our guys had an accy on the way home. Bad one. No helmet. But amazingly no serious head injuries either although he did have numerous others. Shattered both wrists, pelvic separation, stitches on his chin and glass removed from his face.

I'm sold. Helmet on my noggin. Every ride. Every time.
Doesn't. do much good if along with lid your wearing flip-flops, shorts and tank-top...:bigsmiley22:
always were appropriate riding gear.
Have law. I'd probably wear one anyway. I've only been riding for a year, still have my first helmet...HD Stock helmet...its a bit of a mushroom