In my earlier years, I always wore a full face Bell Star. My first bike, first accident, Nov. '72, the helmet saved my life for sure. Still have it, and the chips and abrasions down the backside of it testify to what would have happened to my head if I'd gone without. In 1981, on a dirtbike, I lost control and had a disagreement with an oak tree next to the trail I was on. Oak tree won. Split my 3/4 helmet nearly in half, but that's a lot better than my head having to take the impact. Also broke left leg, tore up cartilage in left knee and severed quad. muscle. Off work seven months but alive, due to the helmet.
Fast forward couple of decades. 56 years old now. Was without a bike since 2003 then I bought a Softail Deluxe in April, traded it in on a Road King last month. Sure is fun riding here in Texas without a helmet, but, after riding around the Dallas area last week, and the ensuing adrenalin rush that is Dallas traffic, I went and bought a half helmet today at the local HD Dealership.
I'll try to avoid riding in Dallas, but either way, I think I'm going to be using that helmet every ride from now on. I don't think my "Good Luck" account has much left in it at this point so, it's a lid for me.