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Motorcycle Adventure To California

Motorcycle Adventure to California, Day 12

Jake, thanks for the advice, I heeded it too! I awoke at 0400 ready to go. Packed the bike and headed west at 0505. By the time I went five miles I was freezing. I pulled over and put on a sweatshirt, chaps and heavy gloves. I heard on the radio it was 45 degrees. By 1130 I had made my last stop and completed “The Loneliest Road in America”. It was nowhere near as desolate as I had imagined. In fact it was an absolutely beautiful ride. By the time I was finished, my rear tire was devoid of discernable tread and I was very nervous about proceeding further, but there was no choice. I called Carson City HD, told them who I was, what I was doing and the dilemma I was in. They said bring it in and they will put a new tire on for me. It was a 50 mile ride and I was really nervous, but arrived without incident. I got there at 1300, by 1430 the bike was ready to go. I have never been treated so well at any Harley Davidson dealership. There was a police motorcycle rodeo going on and there were hundreds of people there. The place is huge and clean as a hounds tooth. I was so impressed I asked one of the staff ladies where I could find the manager. She had a concerned look because she thought something was wrong, I told her it was quite the opposite. She took me to the owner; Richard Tapia. I told him of the exceptional manner in which I had been accommodated and he was pleased to hear my comments. My hat’s off to Matt, the technician that replaced the tire; Lauren, who answered the phone and told me to come in and Suzie who helped me find the owner is the huge crowd. Unfortunately I did not find anyone familiar with HDT.

Well, I’m in California! A little town called Walker on Hwy 395. 403.0 miles today, 4068 thus far on the adventure. Pictures to follow!
catching up on your trip pru seems like all going well so far except needing a tire i envy you
Day 12 pitchers.

I had to park right in the middle of Hwy 50, I just had to!


I went well past Carson City.


A view from the cockpit.

My new buddy: Officer Mills, Elk Grove Police Department. He didn't know about HDT, so I gave him a business card and wrote how to find us.


This is what I have been waiting 12 days to see.


Be back tomorrow with more adventures.

Congrats on seeing the 'Welcome to CA' sign. Keep going west until you see water, then get a picture of your bike on the beach. After that, keep the ocean on your left and in sight, you will be in for a treat. Don't forget to stop at customs when you hit Canada. :D
Motorcycle Adventure, Day 13

Reveille at 0500. Packed the bike and headed further west. I don’t know how it is possible, but the scenery today going through the Sonora Pass was as good or better that anything I have ever seen. I have laid eyes on the Pacific Ocean. 379.3 miles today; 4451 miles thus far. From 0745 to 1045 I had only done 78 miles. I am in Nipomo, CA at my brother in laws brothers house. Pictures to follow:

Nipomo, CA


Sonora pass
