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What products Do You Use To Detail Your Bike

I use never dull on most of my chrome. A bit time consuming to use. I now cannot wait to try pledge:shock Never heard of that before but sounds easy enough. C

Just don't use too much,a little goes a long way,and if you apply to much its an effort to remove the residue.I learned that the hard way:wall
I tried Pledge last night for the first time, and I can't believe how great it works. I'm so happy with it I had to take off work today to go for a ride! :D
I had a heck of a time trying to clean my extremely dirty, spotted, "tarnished" wheels on my bike. have a 01 e/g with the standard aluminum wheels and previous owner did not keep them clean. someone said simple green would clean them, but it did not. last night i tried "colonel brassy" i got from an HD dealership on a small spot on the back wheel, and it did in fact clean the wheel, and with less effort than i thought. i have purchased 1500 grit wet sandpaper and fine steel wool, and plan to get the aluminum close as possible back to new. that way my new white walls will look better when i get them put on.
also, i use pledge now on mine. if you think you might need to, try it on your leather seat. it made mine look new again. not shiny, just new!
also, i use pledge now on mine. if you think you might need to, try it on your leather seat. it made mine look new again. not shiny, just new!

As slick as pledge is,I don't think I would use it on my seat! I'm just envisioning the first hard corner!
"i have purchased 1500 grit wet sandpaper and fine steel wool, and plan to get the aluminum close as possible back to new. that way my new white walls will look better when i get them put on."[/QUOTE]

Hi 5Pack, you say you purchased 1500 grit wet sandpaper and steel wool. Firstly sandpaper is what I'd normally use on wood, its usually yellow colored and contains particles of glass as the abrasive and is used dry.The wet and dry paper I would refer to as emery paper, its normally gray in color. If you have the gray stuff do not use it on aluminum as its abrasive is made up of particles of ferrous material. These bed into the alloy and cause accelerated corrosion ( ferrous material & aluminum do not go well together). Likewise with the steel wool. Use Scotch-Brite pads, these are designed for aluminum.
I had a heck of a time trying to clean my extremely dirty, spotted, "tarnished" wheels on my bike. have a 01 e/g with the standard aluminum wheels and previous owner did not keep them clean. someone said simple green would clean them, but it did not. last night i tried "colonel brassy" i got from an HD dealership on a small spot on the back wheel, and it did in fact clean the wheel, and with less effort than i thought. i have purchased 1500 grit wet sandpaper and fine steel wool, and plan to get the aluminum close as possible back to new. that way my new white walls will look better when i get them put on.
I use Mothers billet polish w/the powerball mini and it works great! As long as you have a drill for the powerball, it's easy. I would try that before wet sanding or steel wool. Use whatever polish you prefer, but I can't say enough good things about the powerball mini. My VROD has the billet wheels and I polished them by hand once... Three months later I broke down and got the powerball and now do the wheels weekly.
I use Mothers billet polish w/the powerball mini and it works great!

Thanks for the tip on the powerball mini. I gave it a try, and you were right. It worked great! I keep my bike pretty clean, but I have been neglecting the rims. I tried several other products, but nothing shined the rims like the powerball. Likewise, the magic eraser worked great on the white stripe on the tires.